Benelli ARGO-E COMFORT 308WIN 20

Benelli ARGO-E COMFORT 308WIN 20
Brand: Benelli
18690 NOK
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Benelli ARGO-E AMAZONIA GREEN 308WIN 20Dette er en av verdens beste og mest funksjonsrike halvautomatiske rifler?Benelli Argo er den eneste sivile halvautomatiske riflen som klarer Natos torturtest. Testen består av bl.a. blokkert løp uten skade på skytter, 3.000 skudd med forskjellig ammunisjon i ekstreme temperaturer uten feilfunksjonering, drop test fra stor høyde m.m.Den er utstyrt med Comfortech® stokk som reduserer rekylen med 47 prosent og munningsvipp med hele 32 prosent. Rekyl og vibrasjoner tas opp i stokken.Våpenet blir levert med sort låskasse og comfortechskjefte i sort syntetmateriale. AIR TOUCHEnhances grip and lets you shoulder the shotgun more quickly, safely, effectively and comfortably. AirTouch technology guarantees a superior grip without roughness to the touch. The new AirTouch checkering makes full use of the…READ MOREARGO E SYSTEMBenelli has renewed its ARGO E gas recovery system in its design, materials and action. A new piston guarantees jam-free functioning and new components made from special materials deliver the ultimate in corrosion resistance.READ MORECOMFORTECHReduces recoil by 47% for superbly comfortable shooting. The Comfortech System is the first and only patent in the world ableto change the rules of shooting, revolutionising the relationship between the individual and the gun and…READ MORECRIO SYSTEMSuperior shooting performance thanks to uniform barrel vibration and expansion during firing; broader, more even and more uniform hot patterns. Benelli is the first firearms manufacturer to apply industrial cryogenic treatments…READ MOREEASY AIMThe new carbon fibre rib has been restyled and enriched with a notch housing a high luminosity optical fibre.READ MORE